středa 27. března 2019

Flame moss

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Wohnaccessoires rund um die Uhr! Die Wegbereiter für kluges Online-Shopping - jeder Kauf eine gute Entscheidung! Das Flame Moss oder Flammenmoos, eine noch nicht näher bestimmte Taxiphyllum-Art, stammt wahrscheinlich aus Ost- oder Südostasien.

Obwohl erst seit wenigen Jahren bekannt, ist es als Aquarienmoos schon recht beliebt und häufig im Handel. Dies und seinen Populärnamen verdankt es der ungewöhnlichen Wuchsform, die das Moos unverwechselbar macht: unter Wasser wachsen die wenig verzweigten Triebe aufrecht und spiralig verdreht, wodurch sie an Flammen erinnern. South and South-East Asia are natural habitats of Taxiphyllum ‘ Flame’ moss.

It grows in separate bushes in cool river water with slow flow. Flame moss is green but it gets brighter and brighter on the top, which makes it looks exactly like a green flame.

Besides temperature, Flame moss needs a sufficient amount of CO2. For example, in a 1mtank (3liters), it needs bps COduring lightening time. Gratis Versand durch Amazon schon ab 29€. More than types of live aquarium mosses for fish and shrimp tanks including Peacock and Flame Moss.

Rare types include Taiwan and Mini Christmas Moss. They arrived healthy, a deep luscious green. The mesh was fully covered with the. Aquarium plant from tissue culture in closed cup. Asian Flame moss got its name from its form of growth.

Tight, vertical growing and light undulating shoots give the. Flame moss is a not yet fully identified species of the genus Taxiphyllum and probably comes from East or South-East Asia. Even though it has only been known for a few years it already has a great popularity in the hobby and is readily available in trade. This popularity (as well as its name) is due to the fact that it has quite an uncommon growth habit that makes it unmistakable: under water, its sparsely ramifying shoots grow in upright spirals, which reminds of flames. Es befinden sich keine Produkte im Warenkorb.

Flame Moss (Taxiphyllum sp. ‘Flame’) Flame moss is a moss species that grows in Asia. The plant got its name due to its appearance, which resembles spurts of flame.

Unlike other moss kinds Flame moss grows upwards much faster than widthway. When growing it forms ornamental bushes that look rather nice together with other tank plants. Diese Einkaufsfunktion wird weiterhin Artikel laden. Um aus diesem Karussell zu navigieren, benutzen Sie bitte Ihre Überschrift-Tastenkombination, um zur nächsten.

Find great deals on eBay for flame moss. Tanaman flame moss ini memiliki bentuk yang sangat unik, dimana berkelompok seperti kobaran api yang memiliki warna hijau gelap. Pertumbuhan dari batang tanaman flame moss cenderung menjalar dan memutar kearah atas dan pertumbuhan daun juga cendering menuju keatas sehingga tampak seperti nyala api di lilin.

Suhu yang di bawah derajat C adalah suhu normal yang di sukai oleh tumbuhan ini. The beauty of flame moss is the verticle growth so use that to your advantage.

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